Jimmy Bohan Run

Jimmy Bohan Run

Jimmy Bohan Memorial Run takes place August 30/31 2024 in Mallow
Jimmy Bohan was a long-time supporter and honorary member of our Club and his Family supports our events to this day, which is 45 years of Support.
We are hoping that a number of club members will now support this event in honor of Jimmy.
Click here to download the Entry Form and send it to the address that appears on the form. 
Entry cost €20 
Details below for the Event:

Please find updated information on JB Memorial Run on  August 30/31st 2024.

  • Friday night meet & Greet Hibernian Hotel.
  • Saturday morning run. Starting point Mallow Castle(tbc) from 10am
  • Hotel rates: 2 nights double room €220.
  • Dinner Dance €40 pp
  • JB Memorial Run quote when booking for discounted rates. Limited places are available in the hotel.
  • Parking available.
  • For Booking contact Hibernian Hotel at 022-58200
This event is shaping up to be an event not to be missed and a chance to see cars you may never see again.
Event Dates for 2024

Event Dates for 2024

45th Ring of Kerry Run 17/18 May – Based in Kenmare Bay Hotel, Kenmare

Autumn Run 11/12 October – Beara Pennisula Run – Based in Kenmare Bay Hotel, Kenmare 

Keep an eye on more upcoming events. 

Vintage night marks 30 years of Car Club

Vintage night marks 30 years of Car Club

MEMBERS of the Kingdom Veteran Vintage and Classic Car Club were out in force at the weekend for their annual dinner dance marking 30 years since the club’s foundation.

Over 130 people were expected to attend the dinner in the Fels Point Hotel in Tralee, an event traditionally held on Valentines night, with all proceeds raised going to the Kerry Hospice.

The club was founded in 1979 and now has about 160 members from all over Kerry and neighbouring counties. The late Tom Twohill suggested to PJ O’Riordan, (President and founding Chairman), that there was enough interest and cars in Kerry to form the club, after the Rose Of Tralee Run, which took place at the end of August 1979.

Enthused by the suggestion PJ seized the moment and called a meeting for those interested to take place a few weeks later at Farranfore Airport, and the Kerry Veteran Car Club was formed.

The group then embarked on the club’s first run which left from the Airport and toured Firies-Currow and the surrounding area before returning to the Airport (there are reports of all sorts of calamities along the route with tempers frayed and cars expiring!).

On Saturday night, some of the members took time out to speak on their beloved cars and about their fundraising activities.

Interview by Lorraine Walsh, Irish Independence, 18 Feb 2009

To read more about this article Click the link here



To all members we are Delighted at last to have our Documentary finished and hope you enjoy it. I would like to thank Kerry college for their production of the documentary and in particular Brian Nolan and his class for the work he has put in. This Documentary would not have been possible if were not for all the participants that gave their time to be interviewed and for that i thank you.

I would like to thank The Club committee who engaged at all stages and supported the Project when i first suggested it a few years ago. I hope it will act as some nice archival footage for year to come.

Yours in classic Motoring

Chris Foley

Please click on link below to view video






Club Secretary’s Scramble Run

Club Secretary’s Scramble Run

Club Secretary’s Scramble Run Sunday 25th September
Meet at Ballygarry Hotel at 9am Sharp for quick registration leave.
10:30 am Run will be made up of 3 Scrambles or runs…. SCRAMBLE 1 is – Tralee to Mitchell’s Motor Museum Kilgarvan.
Will be made up of a nice Run, stop at Mitchell Motor Museum Kilgarvan, and Lunch Stop in Killarney.
If you’re able to come do. IT WILL BE A GREAT DAY OUT!